PROSPECT Awards ceremony

The 2023 PROPECT Awards Ceremony took place today, we are pleased to announce the results! In addition to three podium prize winners, we also awarded 5 Special Mention certificates to Bsc & Msc students and recently graduated young professionals. We had the opportunity to get to know the work of outstanding talents.

  • 1st place: Adél Olosz - Hajógyári-szigetre vezető gyalogoshíd tervezése

  • 2nd place: D. András Nagy - Konzolos ponyvaszerkezet parametrikus tervezése alakkereséssel és optimalizálással

  • 3rd place: Mária Stefánia Szél - WFC lakópark - Óbudai-sziget közötti ferdekábeles gyalogos híd tervezése

Special Mention certificates were handed out to:

  • Mátyás Soma Horváth - Kupola szerkezet vizsgálata földi és marsi gravitációs viszonyok között, optimális magasság meghatározása után a kiválasztott Földi modell tervezése EC alapján

  • Dániel László Joó - Track-bridge interaction for steel railway bridges

  • Nándor Király - Ferdekábeles acél közúti híd tervezése

  • Álmos Laza - Kőrőshegyi kilátó tervezése

  • Eszter Lőrincz - Trapézlemez gerincű hibrid tartók teherbírása

In addition to a certificate and trophy, the three first-place winners received monetary and book prizes, while the special prize winners received a certificate and book prize.

Evaluation criteria included the novelty and innovative approach of solving the task, as well as the high-level, unique solution of a routine task.

We are glad that we were able to motivate our young colleagues in such a good number. Once again, we heartily congratulate all award winners and thank the universities participating in the competition for their cooperation!

PROSPECT Review Committee

The trophies were created by AB Concrete Design.

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