Drégelypalánk Bridge Inaugurated
Our border bridge between Drégelypalánk and Ipolyhídvég in Nógrád was handed over to traffic. The bridge is a "classic Per Tveit" single-span arch bridge with a 51.30 m span. The bridge, in addition to shortening travel time between the two settlements and their surroundings, can also become a new point of interest for the Ipoly Valley with its slender, clean design.
We aimed to shape the details of the structure with particular care. The bridge is the first Hungarian steel arch bridge with a post-tensioned reinforced concrete deck plate. Steel arches with an aesthetic triangular cross-section are also unique solutions in a domestic context.
The bridge concept was created by our team, while we also prepared the permit and tender designs.
The lead bridge designer was Gábor Pál.
#dregelypalank #ipolyhidveg #bridgedesign #specialterv